Environmental Monitoring : Microbiological Analysis

Guideline and Formats for Microbiological Environmental Monitoring (EM) of various area like in Production, Microbiology laboratory, Dispensing & Sampling Area, and Manufacturing Area etc.

Microbiological Environmental Monitoring (EM)

1.0   Objective :

    • To lay down a procedure for microbiological of environmental monitoring.

2.0   Scope :

    • This SOP is applicable for microbiological environmental monitoring of area in Production, Microbiology laboratory, Dispensing & Sampling Area, and Manufacturing Area (Tablet).

3.0   Procedure for Environmental Monitoring (EM) :

    • Introduction – Environmental Monitoring:

    • The routine microbiological environmental monitoring of environment in classified environmental zones contributes to the assurance of product quality.
    • Any classified area where manufacturing, processing, packing, holding or testing of products take place needs to be maintained in a clean and sanitary conditions.
    • This is achieved by restricting the entry of particulate contamination in to these areas.
    • The environment of such classified environmental zones shall be monitored for the level of microbial contamination by the controls described hereunder.
    • The types of controls and the relevant acceptance criteria shall depend upon the grades of classified environmental zones.
    • Method for Environmental Monitoring (EM):

    • There are two methods for microbiological environmental monitoring of area
      • Air Sampling Method (Active sampling)
      • Settle Plate Method (Passive sampling)
  • Air Sampling Method (Active Sampling) :

    • Preparation of Petri dishes:
    • Prepare petri dishes of Soyabean Casein Digest Agar (SCDA) as per SOP for Media Preparation and perform environmental monitoring as per annexure.
    • Use pre-incubated Petri dishes for environmental monitoring.
    • Use petri dishes with absolutely no sign of microbiological contamination at the end of incubation.
    • Sampling head of air sampler shall be sterilized by autoclaving and mop the body of air sampler with 70% IPA.
    • Take the air sampler at the respective location and assemble it.
    • Write the given below details on petri dishes before assemble it in air sampler

Name of Media: ………………………………………………..

Plate preparation Date: ……………………………..………….

Area: ………………………………………..……………………

Date of Exposure: ………………………………………………

Sampled By: …………………………………………….………

    • Run the air sampler unit flows the required volume of air on the plate as per given below Table.
GMP- EU ISO Class Air Sampling Volume
A ISO 5 1000 Liter
B ISO 6 1000 Liter
C ISO 7 1000 Liter
D ISO 8 1000 Liter
    • After sampling take the plates to microbiology laboratory for incubation.
    • Incubate the petri dishes at 22.5±2.50C for 72 hrs for fungal growth followed by at 32.5±2.5°C for 48 hrs for Bacterial Growth.
    • Record the result of the respective area in respective annexure
  • Settle Plate Method (Passive sampling) :

    • Principle:

    • Petri dishes filled with nutritive agar medium are exposed in the environment and the airborne microorganisms settle down on the surface of the agar.
    • The plates are incubated for optimum growth of microorganisms and the colony forming units (CFU) developed at the end of incubation are counted.
    • The number of CFU developed on the settle plate at the end of incubation indicates number of viable microorganisms per 90 mm diameter of the exposed Petri dish.
    • Preparation of Media Plates:

    • Use pre-incubated petri dishes for environmental monitoring.
    • Use petri dishes with absolutely no sign of microbiological contamination at the end of incubation.
    • Sampling & Observations – Environmental Monitoring (EM):

    • Mope the SS container with 70% IPA solution and load the petri dishes carefully.
    • Close & carry the container to the respective areas.
    • Ensure that the area under environmental monitoring is clean and sanitized as per defined procedure.
    • Ensure that the Temperature/Humidity in the area under microbiological environmental monitoring is within the specified limit.
    • Place the petri dishes containing SCDA as prepared above carefully number wise, at the marked places defined in respective Annexure.
    • Do not expose one petri dish and take it as negative control.
    • Carefully lift the lid of petri dish and place it gently on stand near the exposed plate thereby exposing the entire agar surface.
    • Leave the petri dishes in the exposed condition for 4 hours.
    • After completion of exposure gently place the lids over the exposed petri dishes and load them back in the drum, bring them out of the controlled area.
    • Incubate the petri dishes at 22.5±2.50C for 72 hrs for fungal growth followed by at 32.5±2.50C for 48 hrs for Bacterial Growth.
    • Stick working culture on one plate and take it as positive control and treat in the same manner as above.
    • Report the results in the specified format. The relevant formats are Annexure.
    • Selection of location for plate exposure by settle plate method:

    • For core area where the material is exposed the number of plate shall be calculated based on √A, where A is room area in m2.
    • The plate shall be exposed on return air risers and other plates shall be exposed on corners at a angle of approx 45° in SS stand.
    • For ancillary areas the plate shall be exposed on return air risers and additional plates in corners
    • In room where diffusers are installed plates shall be exposed in corners.
    • Allotment of plate ID No.

    • The plate No. shall be linked with the riser ID No. and shall have the same ID No. as of riser, on which the plate to be exposed.
    • The plates which are not exposed on risers the ID No. shall be allotted as II-NN. Where II is AHU No. and NN is serial No. in continuation of Riser ID No.
    • Limits: as defined in respective annexure (s).
    • Frequency:

Area Frequency
OSD (Twice in a month), alternate Active and Passive.
Oral Liquids (Weekly), alternate Active and Passive.
Dispensing & Sampling Area (Weekly), alternate Active and Passive.
Microbiology Laboratory (Weekly) Active and Passive both.
Manufacturing Area (Tablet) (Weekly), alternate Active and Passive.
    • Trend frequency: Trend of settle plate and air sampling frequency is every six month.
Area Frequency
OSD Every Six Month
Oral Liquids Every Six Month
Dispensing & Sampling Area Every Six Month
Microbiology Laboratory Every Six Month
Manufacturing Area (Tablet) Every Six Month

4.0   Reference (S)

    • Schedule “M” of Drugs and Cosmetic act section 4 of part 1 A.
    • ISO 14644 – I Clean room and associated controlled environments.
    • Chapter 6 : Quality control of EU guidelines for Medicinal products for Human and Veterinary use Volume 4,

5.0   Annexure – Environmental Monitoring :

Annexure- Environmental Monitoring of using settle plates

Method : Settle Plate

Date of Sampling: …………….                                                        Plate Exposure Time:……………

Plate Collection Time : ………..                                                     Exposed By: …………………….

Media Used: Soyabean Casein Digest Agar                                 Date of Completion: ……………

Incubation Temperature: 22.5±2.50C for 72 hrs and 32.5±2.50C for 48 hrs.

Exposure Time: ________                                                                                         Frequency: _______


Plate ID No.

Total Microbial Count ( cfu/ 90 mm plate / 4 hrs)


Alert Action



Janki Singh: Mrs. Janki Singh is the professional pharmaceuticals Blogger. She has already posted more than #1000 articles on varrious topics at different blogging plateforms. Contact : guideline.sop@gmail.com