Microbiological Analysis of Water – Procedure

Standard Operating Procedure for Microbiological Analysis of Water used for manufacturing of various drug product in pharmaceutical industry.

Procedure for Microbiological Analysis of Water

1.0   Objective :

    • To lay down a Procedure for microbiological analysis of Water.

2.0   Scope :

    • This SOP is applicable in Microbiology for microbiological analysis of water.

3.0   Procedure – Microbiological Analysis of Water:

    • Total Aerobic Microbial Count:

    • ON receipt of water sample for microbiological analysis, Microbiologist shall enter details in annexure.
    • Allocate A.R. No to received water samples as per SOP.
    • Sample Preparation for purified water:
    • Connect autoclaved filtration assembly with vacuum flask which is connected with vacuum pump.
    • Place the 0.45mm sterile filter membrane aseptically on the supporting disc of autoclaved filtration assembly & fix the sterilized funnel on the membrane filter holder aseptically.
    • Take 1ml of water sample from the bottle and add in 100ml peptone water, mix well and filter though sterile membrane filter, hold in a sterile filtration assembly in duplicate manner for each purified water individually .

Note: Use sterile support disc & sterile funnel separately for each sample.

    • Incubation:
    • After filtration remove the membrane filter aseptically using sterilized forceps and Place it on a pre-incubated sterile R2A media plate.
    • Incubate the R2A Petri dish for 5 days at 30 – 35°C and record the observations in annexure-II.
    • Sample Preparation for potable water:

    • Take 01 ml of potable water sample, separately in duplicate sterilize Petri plates.
    • Then add 15 to 20ml of Soyabean Casein Digest Agar in two petri plates
    • Allow it to solidify, after solidifying. Keep the plate in inverted position and Incubate at 300C to350C for 05 days.
    • Acceptance Criteria:
Type of water Limits


Alert Limits


Action Limits


Potable water 500 100 250 Absent
Purified water 100 50 75 Absent
RO water 100 50 75 Absent
    • Pathogens detection in water samples:

    • The sample shall be tested for the following four specific pathogens:
      • Salmonella species.
      • Escherichia coli.
      • Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
      • Staphylococcus aureus.
      • Shigella
    • Preparation of Sample:

    • Take 90ml of pre incubated Soyabean casein digest medium and add 10 ml of purified/ potable water.
    • After inoculation incubate at 30-35°C for 18- 24 hrs.
    • Test for Salmonella species:

    • Use 0.1 ml inoculated broth (SCDM) to 10 ml preincubated Rappaport Vassiliadis Salmonella enrichment broth incubates at 30-35°C for 18-24 Hrs.
    • The water sample complies with the test if Rappaport Vassiliadis Salmonella enrichment broth tube does not show turbidity,
    • If there is any turbidity or any doubt for poor microbial growth then takes the loopful of test sample and Sub culture on pre incubated Xylose- Lysine Deoxycholate agar plate.
    • Incubate at 30°C to 35°C for 18 to 48 hours.
Medium Description of Colony
Xylose-Lysine Deoxycholate Agar Medium. Well-developed red colonies with or without Black Centers.
    • The water sample complies with the test, if above described colonies are not present
    • If colonies are found confirming to the above descriptions identification shall be performed by identification tests as follow:
    • Identification Tests I:

    • Individually  transfer  the  suspected  colony  by first  Sub culturing  on the pre incubated slope of  slant,  of  Triple Sugar-Iron  Agar  with inoculating loop  and 
    • Then stabbing  with inoculating straight wire  well  in the butt. Incubate at 30-35° C for 24-48 hours.
    • After incubation, examine the tube of Triple Sugar Iron Agar Medium for the presence of microbial growth and for the following Physical characteristics:
      • Color changes from red slant to yellow butt, with or without concomitant blackening of butt due to H2S production.
    • If the butt, slant of Triple Sugar Iron Agar shows growth and physical characteristics confirming to the above descriptions the presence of Salmonella species is indicated.
    • The water sample complies with the test if the confirmatory identification tests are negative.
    • Record the observations in annexure II.
    • Test for Escherichia coli:

    • After incubation of soyabean casein digest medium, add 01 ml SCDM to 100ml pre incubated MacConkey’s broth incubate it at 42 to 44°C for 24 to 48 hours.
    • The water sample complies with the test if tube does not show any turbidity.
    • If present, take loop full from MacConkey’s broth & Sub culture on preincubated MacConkey’s Agar plate & incubate at 30-35°C for 18 to 72 hour.
Medium Description of Colony
MacConkey’s Agar Brick red, may have surrounded zone of precipitated bile.
    • The growth of brick red, may have surrounded zone of precipitated bile colonies indicates the possible presence of Escherichia coli.
    • The water sample complies with the test if colonies are not present.
    • If colonies are found, identification shall be performed by identification tests as follow:
    • Identification Tests I: Indole test

    • Aseptically prepare culture suspension from the suspected colonies which are appears on MacConkey agar in a sterilized tube.
    • Add 0.1 ml of the prepared suspension to the tube containing 10 ml of peptone water; incubate the tube at 30°C to 35°C for 18 – 24 hours.
    • From incubated peptone water tube perform Indole test as follow:
    • Add 0.5 ml of Kovac’s reagent to peptone water tube; allow to stand for one minute.
    • The presence of cherry red colour ring along the side of test tube indicates the positive test (the presence of Escherichia coli).
    • Presence of Escherichia coli shall be confirmed by Gram staining (Gram-ve rods).
    • The water sample complies with the test if the confirmatory identification tests are negative.
    • Record the observation in annexure II.
  • Test for Pseudomonas aeruginosa – Microbiological Analysis of Water:

    • Take a loop full from SCDM & subculture on pre incubated Cetrimide agar & incubate at 30-35°C for 18 to 72 hour.


Description of Colony
Cetrimide Agar

Growth of colonies, generally greenish

    • Interpretation:

    • The growth of colonies indicates the possible presence of P. aeruginosa.
    • The water sample complies with the test if colonies are not present.
    • If colonies are found, identification shall be performed by identification tests as follow.
    • Identification Tests I (Oxidase test):

    • With the aid of an inoculating loop, transfer suspected colonies to strip or discs of filter paper impregnated with N, N-dimethyl-p-phenylenediamine dihydrochloride.
    • If a purple colour is produced within five to ten seconds, the presence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa is confirmed, record the results in annexure II.
    • The water sample complies with the test if the confirmatory identification tests are negative.
    • Record the observation in annexure II.
  • Test for Staphylococcus aureus – Microbiological Analysis of Water:

    • Take loop full from SCDM & subculture on, Pre incubated Mannitol Salt agar plate & incubate at 30-35°C for 18 to 72 hour.
Medium Description of Colony
Mannitol   Salt   Agar Yellow or white colonies with yellow zones.
    • Interpretation:
    • The possible presence of S. aureus is indicated by the growth of yellow or white colonies surrounded by yellow zone.
    • The water sample complies with the test if colonies are not present.
    • If colonies are found confirming to the above descriptions identification shall be performed by identification tests as follow.
    • Identification Tests I (Coagulase test):

    • With the aid of an inoculating loop, individually transfer suspected colonies to separate tubes containing 0.5 ml of mammalian plasma (preferably rabbit or horse).
    • Incubate in a water-bath at 37°C for 3 to 24 hours, in parallel with positive control using known strain of Staphylococcus aureus and negative control using Plasma alone.
    • Examine after 3 hours and at suitable intervals thereafter for the presence of coagulation
    • If coagulation in any degree is observed, the presence of Staphylococcus aureus is indicated. Record the results.
    • The water sample complies with the test if colonies of types described are not present or if the confirmatory identification tests are negative.
  • Test for Shigella

    • After incubation of SCDM transfer 1 ml to 100 ml Pre incubated GN Broth and incubate at 30º to 35º C for 24 to 48 hours.
    • Further subculture on a pre incubated plate of Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar and incubates at 30º to 35º C for 24 to 48 hours.
    • If red colored translucent colony without black center appears on the medium, indicates possible presence of Shigella.
    • Then proceed for further confirmation tests.
    • If such characteristic growth doesn’t appear then sample passes the test for absence of Record the results in annexure-I.
    • Further confirmation can be done by sub culturing the suspected colonies on Modified SS agar.
    • If the characteristic growth than confirms the presence of Shigella in the sample under examination, sample fails the test for absence of Shigella.
  • Testing frequency:-

    • Pathogen testing of all purified water samples shall be done fortnightly except storage tank and return loop.
    • Pathogen testing of storage and return loop shall be performed daily.
  • Trend frequency:-
    • The trend of all sampling points shall be prepared on quarterly basis.

4.0   Reference :

    • IP  : General chapter
    • BP : General Notices, Purified Water
    • USP  : Chapter No. 1231, Water for Pharmaceutical purposes
    • Revised Schedule M

5.0   Annexure (S)

Annexure I : Test Data Sheet of water analysis for specified organism.

Date of Sampling  :                                                              Date of  Completion    :

Sampled By         :                                                                 AR No.  :

Type of Water        :

Sample Point ID No. Total Aerobic Microbial Count

( CFU/Plate)

Alert LIMIT for

Potable water : 100  CFU/ml

Purified water : 50  CFU/ml

Pathogens Should be absent

P. aeruginosa

(Should be absent )

S. aureus

(Should be absent )

E. coli

(Should be absent )


(Should be    absent )


(Should be absent )

Annexure II : Microbial Analysis Report of Water

Click to open the word file : Microbial Analysis Report of Water

Janki Singh: Mrs. Janki Singh is the professional pharmaceuticals Blogger. She has already posted more than #1000 articles on varrious topics at different blogging plateforms. Contact : guideline.sop@gmail.com

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