Audit Trail Review – Procedure and Schedule

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Audit Trail Review for the application software on computer system associated with laboratory instruments.

Audit Trial Review

1.0   Objective :

  • To lay down a procedure for Checking of audit trail for the application software on computer system associated with laboratory instruments.

2.0   Scope :

  • This SOP is applicable to Quality Control Department at the pharmaceuticals drug manufacturing plants.

3.0   Responsibility :

  • Reviewer QC/QA/IT shall be responsible for-

  • Follow the Procedure for checking the audit trail.
  • Record the observation during review.
  • To report any abnormal change to head QC/Designee
  • Head QC/Designee shall be responsible for-

  • Final Review of the the audit trail record
  • Investigation of any abnormal change

4.0   Procedure for Audit Trail Review:

  • Audit trail shall be checked for all the application software on computer system associated with laboratory instruments with a team of QC, QA and IT members.
  • For operation, follow the respective SOP.
  • QC reviewer shall open the software of the instrument with his/her own password; reviewer can seek the help of administrator if required.
  • Reviewer shall do the complete audit trial review of the respective instrument and if there is any observation found then the same shall be documented in Annexure I.
  • The review of application software on computer system associated with laboratory instruments  shall be done but not limited to as per Checklist for review of audit trial – (Annexure II).
  • Analytical Data Reviewer shall verify the printed data with soft data in case any ambiguity observed.
  • Reviewer shall review the audit trail of instrument as a part of review of electronic data as per applicability and have details of change, which, who, when and why?
  • Reviewer shall record the observation in checklist for review (Annexure II).
  • After verification of data reviewer shall enter the details in record for checking of audit trail (Annexure-I) for all respective instrumental project.
  • Any abnormality observed during the review of audit trail shall be informed to Head QC /Designee.
  • Checklist for review of audit trail & record for checking of audit trail shall be finally checked by Head QC /designee.
  • Any abnormal change found during review of audit trail shall be recorded, investigated as per the SOP of deviation control.
  • Frequency of Review: At least once a week.

5.0   Annexure for Audit Trail Review :

Annexure-I        : Record for Checking of Audit Trail

From                                Date: …………….                            to                                 Date:…………..

Instrument ID Observation Done by Checked by



Annexure-II       : Checklist for review of Audit Trail

Instrument Name :                                                                 Instrument ID:

Project/Folder Name  :                                                         Date :

Sr. No.

Parameter Checked

    Observation   (Found satisfactory)




1 Is audit trail enabled for specific Project/Folder?
2 Is any data file found to be deleted from folder/project?
3 Are there any duplicate file name/Data found?
4 Are any unauthorized changes found in instrument method?
5 Are analysis done in appropriate folder as per respective operation SOP?
6 Are adequate audit trail comment(s) given by the analyst(s)?
7 Are measures for protection of date/time in place?
8 Any non-conformance observed with respect to SOP
9 Verification of user account management
10 Verification of any locked user
11 Privileges Verification
12  Verification of system policy
13 Any other


Janki Singh

Mrs. Janki Singh is the professional pharmaceuticals Blogger. She has already posted more than #1000 articles on varrious topics at different blogging plateforms. Contact :