Laboratory Safety – Procedure and Guidance

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and Guideline for Laboratory Safety, Handling of Laboratory incidents, Volatile materials, Corrosive Chemicals, Laboratory Glassware, Environmental Safety (Laboratory) etc.

Procedure for Laboratory Safety

1.0   Objective :

    • To lay down a procedure for maintaining the laboratory safety.

2.0   Scope :

    • This SOP is applicable in Quality Control during working in laboratory for safety.

3.0   Procedure – Laboratory Safety:

    • General Instructions for Laboratory Safety :

    • Keep all gangways, exits and fire fighting equipment free from obstruction.
    • Do not smoke, chew, eat or drink in the laboratory.
    • Ensure that all chemical waste disposed off in a predetermined manner.
    • All injuries, minor or major, treated immediately.
    • Any accident, however slight, reported.
    • First Aid Kit should be checked at regular intervals.
    • Handling of Volatile materials :

    • Volatile solvents and corrosive liquids should not pipetted directly.
    • Do not pour out volatile solvents near a naked flame.
    • Handling of Corrosive Chemicals:

    • These should prevent from coming in contact with body surfaces, including alimentary and respiratory systems.
    • While handling these, rubber gloves, rubber aprons, safety goggles and, other necessary Laboratory Safety apparel must be worn.
    • Do not store large bottles of acids and other corrosive materials above waist level.
    • While handling cyanides and other poisons, keep antidote nearby.
    • Poison materials / chemicals should lock and the key should under authority of HOD QC.
    • Do not leave apparatus containing corrosive materials at the sink to be washed.
    • Always drain out the apparatus before leaving for washing.
    • Bottles containing strong acids should be supported on acid resistant sheet/trays. Acid splashes should be washed with water, and then neutralized with sodium bicarbonate solution.
    • Handling of Glassware :

    • Examine glassware for defects before any experiment.
    • Do not use cracked, chipped or otherwise damaged glassware.
    • Reagent bottles and other glassware should be labeled correctly and clearly.
    • Pour liquids in a direction away from label to avoid damaging the label.
    • If any liquid spills on outside of bottles, wash / wipe the outside of bottle with water before returning to shelf.
    • To remove tight stoppers, tap alternatively on each side of stopper.
    • If this does not work and the contents of the bottle are not flammable or toxic, gently warm the neck of the bottle.
    • When a glass tube or rod is to be cut, use gloves and eye protection.
    • Handling of Electrical Hazards :

    • Ensure that there are no open connections and bare wires in the department.
    • Handling of Fire Hazards :

    • Gas cylinders should not be stored in the direct sun and kept at a reasonable distance from any source of heat.
    • Cylinders should be fastened so that they cannot roll or fall.
    • They should be preferably enclosed in a cage.
    • All laboratory staff must be familiar with the position and operation of all fire fighting equipments in their vicinity.
    • Vacuum pumps must be checked for oil level at regular intervals.
    • Environmental Safety (Laboratory) :

    • Waste inflammable solvents which are not miscible with water should be poured into bottles intended for this purpose and not into the sink.
    • Dilute the solutions of poisons like cyanide, etc.,
    • Before emptying into the sink and this should be followed by sufficient flushing with tap water.
    • Concentrated solutions should be treated to render them innocuous before pouring down the drain.
    • Reactive chemicals like Phosphorous Pentoxide, etc. should be converted to non-reactive compounds before pouring them down the drain or disposal.
  • Laboratory Safety Aids :

    • Safety goggles / Face Shield for Laboratory:
    • These are used to protect eyes where splashing may occur or breaking of glass, eg. While working with apparatus under pressure.
    • Gas Masks:

    • These should be used for protection against toxic gases and fumes.
    • When an operation cannot be carried out in a fuming hood.
    • Gloves:

    • Asbestos gloves should be used for handling of hot material, acid resistance gloves for concentrated Acids, Bases and Surgical gloves for corrosive materials.
    • Laboratory coats and aprons:

    • These must be worn at all times for protection of body and clothes.
    • Rubber aprons can be worn while handling corrosive materials.
    • Fuming hood cupboard:

    • Any work involving fumes and harmful gases should be carried out in a fuming cupboard.
    • Make sure the ventilation is in order before commencing the operations.
    • Accident Procedures:

    • Minor Injuries:
    • Give the appropriate first aid in case of burn.
    • The person should should take to a medical center for further treatment.
    • Major Injuries:

    • Arrange immediate medical aid.
    • Do not move the person except to a position of less danger.
    • Keep the person warm and quiet to minimize the effect of shock.
    • Poisons: Arrange for medical aid. In the meantime, render the following treatment :
    • Give large quantities of water, milk or barley water to drink.
    • Where the poison is non-corrosive, an antidote should be given, but not for corrosive poisons.
    • A corrosive poison is evinced by burning of mouth and lips.
    • Electric shock:

    • Whenever shock of current at the main source of the area concerned, to rescue a person in contact with a live switch.
    • If not possible, use rubber gloves or dry woolen materials to protect your hands.
Categories: SOP's
Janki Singh: Mrs. Janki Singh is the professional pharmaceuticals Blogger. She has already posted more than #1000 articles on varrious topics at different blogging plateforms. Contact : guideline.sop@gmail.com